Auditor’s Perceptions of Reasonable Assurance in Audit Work

Document Type : Original Article



This research is about auditors’ understanding of reasonable assurance in independent auditing. In order to find out their understanding of these fundamental and key terms of auditing in financial statements, about four factors are used including Auditing ranking, Gender, Membership in Iranian Official Auditors Association and Field of Study. All required data were collected through distributed questionnaires among occupied people at member institutes of Iranian Official Auditors Association at Tehran with A grade. According to the finding, all four above-mentioned factors have significant effects on better understanding of auditors about real meaning of reasonable assurance. Furthermore the results show that auditors have different understandings of fundamental meaning of reasonable assurance. It could be considered as a potential threat for this job. This is because all occupied members at different auditing groups who may intend to collect and evaluate fundamental evidences for auditing reports may have unequal understanding about key concepts of financial statements auditing. Such an understanding could be different in accordance with various factors.
