Audit Opinion Improvement and the Timeliness of Corporate Annual Reports

Document Type : Original Article



As an essential element of adequate disclosure, timeliness of reporting affects the value of financial statements. Investors have been found to adversely react to modified audit opinions because opinions being perceived as unfavourable news. We investigate the potential impact of audit opinion change on the timeliness of financial disclosures, with improvements in audit opinion considered to be good news.
Using panel data analysis, this paper examines audit opinion improvement and timing of disclosure of Iranian firms. The sample is comprised of 148 publicly traded firms listed in TSE using object oriented sampling method. Using data for 1388-1392, we find that both improvements and degree of improvements in audit opinions were associated with timeliness of annual reports. In general, we find that firms experiencing an improvement in their audit opinions disclose their financial results early.
Finally, we find that the relationship between audit opinion changes and timeliness of corporate reports differs based on whether the opinion improved or deteriorated. While both opinion improvements and deteriorations were associated with timeliness of corporate reports, deteriorations in audit opinions had a greater effect on timeliness than opinion improvements. These asymmetric results suggest that managers react more to deterioration in audit opinion than to an improvement in audit opinion.
